What You Need To Know Before Installing A Water Feature In Your Home

You’ve finally decided to add a water feature to your home. You’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and now you’re ready. 

After all, who doesn’t want the soothing sound of water in their yard or garden? But before you go shopping for a fountain or pond, there are some things you should know about adding water features to your home. 

In this post, we’ll discuss what those things are so that your new addition goes smoothly and without any problems!

The Ultimate Guide To Installing Water Features
Incorporating a water feature into your landscaping can enhance your outdoor space in various ways, from attracting wildlife to improving air quality.
When choosing a water feature, consider your space’s size, the type of feature you’d like, and your budget.
Proper maintenance is key to ensuring that your water feature looks beautiful and functions well throughout the year.
Designing the right water feature requires careful planning, attention to detail, and consideration of factors like location, materials, and plants.
Having a water feature can offer numerous benefits beyond aesthetics, including reducing stress and improving air quality.

Don’t Skimp On Design

When it comes to choosing a water feature for your home, there are many factors to consider. If you’re on a budget and have little experience with this kind of thing, it’s easy to be intimidated by the process. 

But don’t worry–you can still get what you want without breaking the bank or getting in over your head.

First and foremost: don’t skimp on design! The right design will make all the difference in how much enjoyment your family gets out of their new addition (and how much pride they take in showing off their beautiful new home). 

However, even if all you want is something simple like an outdoor fountain or pondless waterfall with no moving parts whatsoever (and who wouldn’t?), make sure that whatever final product looks good enough so that people won’t think “oh hey look at this weird thing my neighbor installed.” 

You don’t want people thinking less of your house because of its appearance; instead try making sure that every aspect–from landscaping down through fixtures inside–looks professional enough so as not draw attention away from other areas where improvements might be needed instead

Incorporating a water feature in your landscaping can improve your outdoor space significantly. Our article on the benefits of incorporating a water feature discusses the different ways a water feature can enhance your garden, from attracting wildlife to improving air quality.

Do a Test Run

A test run is a great way to ensure that your new water feature will be just as you imagined it, and also gives you the opportunity to adjust the flow if needed. If, for example, you find that the sound of rushing water is too loud or quiet for your taste, then this can be easily adjusted at this stage.

Electrical wiringEnsure the electrical wiring is properly set up and that each component runs smoothly. Test each component separately before installation.
Water sourceEnsure the water source that feeds the water feature is properly installed and that the water flow is adequate.
Noise levelTest the noise level of each component of the water feature to ensure it is appropriate for the location.
Safety featuresEnsure all safety features, including shut-off switches or guards, are properly installed and functioning. Test them thoroughly before installation.
CompatibilityEnsure all components of the water feature, including pumps and hoses, are compatible with each other. Test all components together before final installation.

Note: Before installing your water feature, doing a test run is crucial to ensure that each component is working as it should.

By considering factors like electrical wiring, water source, noise level, safety features, and compatibility, you can identify any issues before installation and ensure that your water feature runs smoothly once installed.

Consider Safety

Safety is an important factor in planning a water feature and should be considered from the beginning. Water features are fun and beautiful, but they can also be dangerous if not handled properly.

Make sure you have safety precautions in place before installing your feature. Water features require supervision and maintenance for their entire lifespan, so make sure that you or someone else will be able to attend to them regularly as needed.

Consider how children will interact with your home’s new addition: Are there any safety concerns? Will they need supervision around the water feature?

If so, consider setting up some sort of barrier between them and it (like a fence) until they’re older enough to understand its dangers better–or just don’t put one in at all!

Choosing the right water feature for your space is key to ensuring that it fits into your landscape seamlessly. Our guide on how to choose the perfect water feature provides practical tips on finding the right water feature, taking into account the size of your garden, the type of feature you want, and your budget.

Find A Professional

The first thing to do when you’re ready to install a water feature in your home is to find a professional. 

You should make sure that they are licensed and insured, as well as experienced in their field. The best way to ensure that they meet these qualifications is by asking around for recommendations from friends or family members who have used similar services before.

You should also look for someone who has done similar work before and can provide references so you know what kind of quality craftsmanship they will provide for your project as well as how easy it was working with them on this type of job before. 

The last thing anyone wants is having an issue with their contractor halfway through the job because it turns out there were problems along the way due to poor communication between them both!

Think About Your Budget

The next step is to consider how much you’re prepared to spend, and how much you can afford.

If you’re looking for a feature that is going to stand out from the crowd, but don’t want to break the bank, then a water feature might be the way forward. 

However, it’s important that whatever type of water feature you choose fits within your budget–whether this means saving up or borrowing some money from friends or family members.

There are lots of ways that people can invest in their homes: buying new furniture or appliances; having their home painted; installing solar panels on their roof; redecorating rooms with new wallpaper patterns…and so on! 

So when considering whether or not installing a unique addition like a fountain makes sense financially (as well as aesthetically), think about whether there are other areas where those funds could be better spent instead…or if there’s anything else already installed at home which could be replaced instead?

Once you’ve installed a water feature, it’s important to maintain it properly to ensure that it continues to function well and look beautiful. Our article on 15 easy steps to maintaining a beautiful water feature provides simple yet effective tips on taking care of your water feature throughout the year, such as cleaning the feature regularly and checking the water levels.

Consider Maintenance

When you’re considering adding a water feature to your home, it’s important to consider the maintenance that will be required. This can range from weekly cleaning and refilling to monthly or seasonal maintenance. 

If you plan on having someone else maintain your water feature, how often they need to come by depends on what type of system they use and how much space it covers.

For example, if you have an artificial pond or fountain with an automated pump that pumps water up into the top basin every few minutes (like this one), then all it needs is for someone who knows about electricity and plumbing to come once every few months for repairs if something goes wrong with either part of the system–which isn’t too difficult at all! 

On top of that initial visit from an electrician or plumber who knows what they’re doing (and maybe another visit after two or three years), there won’t be any further need for maintenance unless something breaks down again later down the line…but hopefully not!

Water qualityRegularly check the quality of your water feature to ensure it is clean, clear, and balanced.
Leaf debrisLeaves and debris can clog your pump or filter. Consider removing any debris regularly or installing a leaf net.
AlgaeExcessive sunlight and nutrients can cause algae build-up in your water feature. Consider using an algaecide to prevent it from forming.
Pumps and filtersEnsure pumps and filters are cleaned regularly to prevent build-up and ensure proper functionality.
WinterizingIf the temperature drops below freezing, ensure that your water feature is properly winterized to avoid damage from ice formation.
LightingIf your water feature has lighting, ensure that bulbs and fixtures are regularly checked and replaced if necessary.
Water lossYou may need to refill your water feature periodically due to evaporation or splash-out. Ensure that you’re monitoring the water level regularly.
Chemical treatmentsChemical treatments, such as clarifiers and bacteria enhancers, can help keep your water feature healthy. Consider using appropriate treatments based on your needs.

Note: Proper maintenance is key to ensuring that your water feature looks beautiful and functions well throughout the year. By considering factors like water quality, leaf debris, algae, pumps and filters, winterizing, lighting, water loss, and chemical treatments, you can keep your feature looking and functioning its best.

Consider Location and Size

When you’re planning your water feature, it’s important to consider where and how big it will be. The location of your feature should depend on the type of climate you live in. 

If you live in an area with mild temperatures and low humidity, then it’s okay for the water to be exposed outside. 

However, if your home is located in a place where there are hot summers or freezing winters (or both!), then it would be best if the water could be contained inside as much as possible.

In terms of size, consider how much space is available for this addition before deciding whether or not to install one at all! 

If there isn’t enough room on the exterior wall near where people will see it most often when coming into the house then maybe rethink putting up something else instead like plants or flowers? 

They’ll still add some color while keeping things looking tidy without taking up too much extra space inside either way though so don’t worry too much about making sure everything matches up perfectly now – just try using common sense here instead 🙂

Designing a water feature that complements your landscape requires careful planning and attention to detail. Our post on 16 expert tips for designing the perfect water feature offers advice from landscape design professionals on creating a water feature that suits your space, from choosing the right material to selecting the right plants.

Look At Weather Conditions

The weather is a major factor to consider when installing a water feature. If you live in an area that has extreme temperatures and weather conditions, it’s important to make sure your fountain will be able to stand up to them. 

For example, if you live in a cold climate and want to install a water feature outdoors on your patio or deck, it’s crucial that the fountain have sufficient insulation so that it doesn’t freeze over during winter months. 

You may also want to look into installing heaters under the surface of your pond so that they’re kept at an optimal temperature year-round–this can help keep fish healthy and prevent them from dying due to freezing temperatures!

Similarly if you live in warmer climates where summertime heat is common (like here in California!), then having some sort of cooling system installed might be helpful as well! 

This could mean installing fans around the outside edges of your pond so that air circulates freely through its body; or even adding some kind of water circulation system inside itself with pumps etc…

TemperatureEnsure that your water feature is designed to withstand the temperature conditions of your area. For example, areas prone to freezing temperatures may require a water feature with a heater to prevent water from freezing and causing damage.
WindHigh winds can cause water evaporation, reducing the water levels in your feature. Consider installing a wind barrier to protect your feature.
RainA significant amount of rainfall can overflow your water feature. Consider adding an overflow outlet to prevent overflow.
SunlightConsider the amount of sunlight that your water feature will receive. Too much sunlight can lead to excessive algae growth, and too little can prevent plants from growing.
SeasonDifferent seasons can affect your water feature differently. Evaluate how your feature will perform during different seasons and take any required precautions.
MaintenanceConsider how weather conditions will affect maintenance requirements. For example, heavy rainfall or strong winds can lead to increased debris clogging your pump or filter.

Note: It’s important to evaluate weather forecasts when installing a water feature to ensure the conditions in your area are optimal for the feature you choose.

By considering factors like temperature, wind, rain, sunlight, and season, you can choose a water feature that can withstand various weather conditions and minimize the need for repairs or maintenance.

Plan For Future Expenses

A water feature can be a beautiful addition to your home, but it’s important to plan for future expenses.

The cost of maintaining a water feature: Water features require regular cleaning and maintenance. If you don’t have the time or inclination to take care of them yourself, this can add up quickly. 

You’ll also want someone who is qualified in case something goes wrong with your pump or filter system–and if there’s no one local who knows how these things work (or if they’re too expensive), then finding someone else may require traveling out of town at great expense.

The cost of repairing a water feature: If something breaks down on your property, like an irrigation line or sprinkler head that has developed cracks over time due to freezing temperatures during winter months (or even just normal wear),

0[=repairing those items could cost hundreds or thousands depending upon their size/complexity level before considering labor costs involved with removing them from where they currently sit buried underground so that repairs can begin anew once everything gets sorted out properly after being taken apart carefully enough so as not damage any other part nearby while working inside said area under careful supervision by professionals trained specifically [in] this kind.

A water feature can offer numerous benefits beyond enhancing your landscape. Our article on 10 surprising benefits of having a water feature in your home offers insights on the health and wellness benefits of having a water feature, from reducing stress to improving air quality.

Know What You Want In Advance

Before you start looking for a water feature, it’s important to know what you want. Ideally, at this stage of the process you should have a clear idea of what kind of water feature would fit into your home and lifestyle best. 

If not, take some time to think about it–the more thought that goes in up front, the easier it will be when deciding on which type of fountain or waterfall is right for your space.

  • What kind of style do I prefer?
  • Do I prefer naturalistic or abstract designs?
  • How much maintenance does my yard require?

Once these questions have been answered with certainty (or as much certainty as possible), then start looking around for fountains that fit those criteria!

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Water Feature

SizeConsider the size of your garden or outdoor space before choosing a water feature.
TypeThere are various types of water features, including fountains, ponds, and waterfalls. Choose one that suits your space and personal preferences.
MaterialDifferent materials offer various benefits, such as durability and style. Examples of materials include concrete, fiberglass, and stone.
PlantsIncorporating plants around your water feature can enhance its appeal and attract wildlife. Consider plants such as water lilies and lotus flowers.
AccessoriesConsider adding accessories like lighting and decorative stones to further enhance the appearance of your water feature.
BudgetConsider your budget when making your final decision on which water feature to install, taking into account both initial installation costs as well as long-term maintenance expenses.

Note: Knowing exactly what you want in advance can help you make the best decisions when it comes to choosing the right water feature for your space. By considering factors such as size, type, material, plants, accessories, and budget, you can find a water feature that suits your outdoor space and reflects your personal style.


If you’re considering installing a water feature in your home, we hope that this article has helped you to understand the process a little better. It can be a pretty big investment, so it’s important that you know what you’re getting into before making any decisions. 

If nothing else, at least remember these three things: do your research on what kinds of features work best in different environments; find someone who knows what they’re doing when it comes time for installation (and maintenance); and make sure everything runs smoothly once things get started!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you may find helpful:

Adding a Water Feature to Your Garden: This article offers tips on choosing the right water feature for your garden, as well as advice on installation and maintenance.

3 Questions to Ask Before Installing a Water Feature: This post outlines three key questions to consider before adding a water feature to your landscape, such as determining the right location for your feature and selecting the right type of feature for your space.

What to Consider Before Installing a Water Fountain: This article offers insights on the different types of water fountains available and provides guidance on selecting the right one for your space, as well as tips on installation and maintenance.


Here are some FAQs to help you get started with your water feature installation:

What are the benefits of a water feature?

Water features offer several benefits, such as creating a soothing ambiance, attracting wildlife to your garden, and improving air quality by adding moisture to the air.

What type of water feature should I choose?

The type of water feature you choose will depend on the size of your garden, your budget, and your personal preferences. Consider options like fountains, ponds, and waterfalls to find the one that’s right for you.

What are some key installation considerations?

To install a water feature, you’ll need to consider factors like the location of your feature, the materials you’ll need, and any safety precautions you’ll need to take. It’s also important to factor in ongoing maintenance for your feature.

What maintenance do water features require?

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that your water feature continues to function well and look beautiful. Tasks like cleaning the feature, testing the water, and maintaining the pump can help to keep your water feature in top condition.

Can I install a water feature on my own?

While it’s possible to install a water feature on your own, it’s important to consider your level of experience and expertise. A professional landscaper or water feature installer can help to ensure that your feature is installed properly and safely.