Why Sustainable Landscaping Is The Future Of Gardening And How To Get Started

When you’re thinking about your next landscape design, it’s important to think about the future. 

The way we live and how we use our space is changing. People are looking for more sustainable options for their homes to save money, improve air quality and help protect the environment. 

This post will explain why sustainable landscaping is the future of gardening, including how you can get started!

What is a Sustainable Landscape?
1. Sustainable landscaping practices reduce environmental impact while creating beautiful outdoor spaces.
2. Implementing sustainable practices like using native plants, composting, and water conservation can save money and time on maintenance.
3. Sustainable landscaping offers numerous benefits, from conserving water and minimizing maintenance to improving air and water quality and supporting local ecosystems.
4. Understanding the essential factors of sustainable landscaping can simplify the process of creating a sustainable and eco-friendly landscape design.
5. Anyone can get started with sustainable landscaping by following basic steps like choosing the right plants, conserving water, and enhancing overall garden sustainability.

1. Water Conservation

Water conservation is a big part of sustainable landscaping. It’s no secret that the desert southwest gets very little rainfall, which means that we have to be careful with what water we use.

If you are interested in creating a sustainable landscape for your home or business, consider using drought tolerant plants and reducing irrigation by using watering systems like drip irrigation.

Sustainable landscaping practices offer numerous benefits such as conserving water, minimizing maintenance, and supporting local ecosystems. To learn more about why you need to implement sustainable landscaping in your garden now, check out our comprehensive guide on Why You Need to Implement Sustainable Landscaping in Your Garden Now.

2. Less Chemicals In Soil

Soil is a living organism. It’s full of life and nutrients, and it can be damaged by chemicals.

Soils are made up of many different organisms that work together to create a complex ecosystem. 

These organisms include bacteria, fungi and insects that break down dead plant material into nutrients for other plants to use in order to grow. 

When you add chemicals like pesticides or herbicides to your soil they can kill off some of these helpful microorganisms while also harming any animals living there as well (like earthworms). This damage can leave your plants without the nutrients they need to thrive!

Less Chemicals in SoilUsing sustainable landscaping practices with organic fertilizers and pesticides can significantly reduce the amount of harmful chemicals in the soil and improve soil health.
Increased Soil FertilityUsing compost and other organic matter can naturally improve soil fertility, giving plants the necessary nutrients to thrive.
Decreased Soil ErosionMaintaining ground cover through practices like planting native plants and reducing lawn areas can help prevent soil erosion and improve overall soil health.

As per the above analysis, sustainable landscaping practices can provide significant benefits to soil health. Using organic fertilizers and pesticides have been shown to significantly reduce the amount of harmful chemicals in the soil. This reduction helps improve the nutrient content of the soil, making it more fertile.

Additionally, compost and other organic matter can provide a natural way of improving soil fertility by giving plants the necessary nutrients. Furthermore, maintaining ground cover through practices like planting native plants and reducing lawn areas can help prevent soil erosion. This decrease in soil erosion can help enhance overall soil health.

3. Improved Air Quality

You may not have thought about it, but your lawn can be a major source of air pollution. As you mow the grass, for example, you’re releasing carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides into the air. Lawns can also release harmful chemicals into the environment as well as carbon dioxide–a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

Replacing your lawn with native plants helps reduce these emissions and improve local air quality overall!

Did you know that sustainable landscaping can save you money and help preserve the planet at the same time? Our guide featuring 10 Surprising Tips for Sustainable Landscaping That Will Save You Money and the Planet provides valuable insights on how to create a beautiful outdoor space while minimizing environmental impact.

4. A Healthy Home

You’ll also be able to breathe easier. The air inside your home is more likely to be cleaner and healthier with less allergens, chemicals, pesticides and mold spores in it. And there’s no need for harsh cleaning products because you won’t be using them!

It’s also easier on your wallet since you’re not purchasing expensive products that don’t work well anyway (or are harmful). 

Your landscaping doesn’t have to look like paradise for it all to come together: just follow these steps above and enjoy the benefits of having a sustainable garden!

5. Eco-Friendly Materials

There are a variety of eco-friendly materials that can be used to create beautiful landscapes. Some of the most popular include:

Recycled materials, such as concrete, brick, stone and tiles. These products don’t use any new resources and are often made from recycled materials. You’ll find them in many sustainable gardens around the world!

Biodegradable materials such as bamboo and sugarcane mulch that break down over time so they don’t waste space in landfills or add to pollution when you eventually toss them out (which should hopefully not be anytime soon). 

These types of products are also great for around your plants because they provide nutrients for growing plants without adding anything harmful like pesticides or herbicides–and you can even grow your own food right on top!

Organic materials like compostable plant matter left behind after pruning trees/bushes/shrubs etcetera so nothing goes unused in nature’s cycle here either 🙂

6. Remediation Of Contaminated Sites And Landfills

Landfills and contaminated sites are a major problem. They are an eyesore, they pose a health hazard and they can be dangerous to children and pets.

Landfills attract pests and vermin that spread disease, such as rats or fleas carrying the bubonic plague (the Black Death). In addition to this, landfills cause flooding when rainwater soaks into them.

Sustainable landscaping is not just good for the environment but also for your home and community. By implementing sustainable practices, you can enjoy benefits such as improved air and water quality, increased biodiversity, and enhanced property values. Check out our guide on Discovering the Benefits of Sustainable Landscaping for Your Home and Community to learn more!

7. Increased Property Value And Lower Costs Of Maintenance

There’s no denying that a sustainable landscape is an investment in your property. With a well-designed, low maintenance backyard, you’ll be able to enjoy it for years to come. Not only will your new garden look great, but it will also add value to your home and save money in the long run.

The first benefit of switching over from traditional landscaping methods is that sustainable gardens are less expensive than their counterparts–especially when it comes to maintenance costs! 

By using organic materials like mulch and compost instead of chemicals like fertilizer or pesticides (which can cost hundreds of dollars per year), you’ll save yourself money down the road without sacrificing quality results from your garden design efforts. 

In fact, some studies suggest that these kinds of sustainable practices could lead directly toward increased property values for homeowners who adopt them into their landscaping plans!

Increased Property ValueImplementing sustainable landscaping practices have been shown to increase property values by 5% to 20%.
Lower Costs of MaintenanceSustainable landscaping practices such as using drought-resistant plants and reducing lawn areas can save homeowners up to 60% on water bills and maintenance costs.

As per above analysis, sustainable landscaping offers significant benefits to property owners, including increased property value and lower maintenance costs. By implementing practices that promote sustainability while enhancing the landscape design, homeowners can enjoy increased property values and reduced costs of maintenance.

Studies have shown that sustainable landscaping practices can increase property values by 5% to 20%. Additionally, by using drought-resistant plants and reducing lawn areas, homeowners can save up to 60% on water bills and maintenance costs.

8. Aesthetically Pleasing Landscapes Are More Satisfying And Rewarding To Maintain

Landscaping is more than just pretty flowers. It’s a form of art, and it can be a form of therapy as well. You can relax while you landscape, or you can use it as an opportunity to meditate on your day’s activities or simply take some time to reflect on what matters most in life.

Whether you’re starting with a blank slate or tinkering with an already established landscape, understanding the essential factors of Sustainable Landscaping can simplify the process. Our guide, Get the Lowdown on Sustainable Landscaping: 15 Essential Factors to Consider provides an informative and helpful checklist to ensure your landscape design is sustainable and eco-friendly.

9. Aesthetic Appeal Can Increase Your Property Value By 15% Or More!

Aesthetically pleasing landscapes are more satisfying and rewarding to maintain, which can result in a higher property value. 

The trend towards environmentally friendly landscaping is only going to grow in popularity as people become more aware of how their choices impact the environment. 

Sustainable landscaping also saves you money by requiring less maintenance, which means you don’t have to spend money on pesticides or fertilizer every year!

Aesthetic ImprovementIncrease in Property Value
High-quality Landscaping5-15%
Outdoor Lighting2-3%
Window Replacement1-2%
Deck and/or Patio Addition2-5%
Fresh Coat of PaintUp to 2%

Note: The data in the table above is based on industry research and varies depending on factors such as the location, size, and overall condition of the property.

The impact of aesthetic appeal on property value can be significant, with landscaping improvements being shown to increase property value by 5-15% or more. Installing outdoor lighting can provide a 2-3% increase, while adding a deck or patio can lead to an increase of 2-5%. Even simple improvements like a fresh coat of paint can yield an increase of up to 2%.

Updating windows can also boost property value by 1-2%. It’s essential to keep in mind that the effect of such improvements will vary depending on various factors related to the property and location.

10. Sustainability Can Be A Huge Advantage For You In The Sale Of Your Home

If you’re thinking about selling your home, sustainability can be a huge advantage. Here are some reasons why:

It’s a hot topic in the real estate market. The trend toward sustainability is here to stay–and it’s only going to get stronger as time goes on!

You will sell your home for more money. If you already have sustainable landscaping installed or plan to install it before listing your property for sale, then this will be viewed as an asset by potential buyers who care about these things (and there will be many). 

They’ll know that they’re getting more than just an attractive yard when they buy from you; they’ll also get something that has been cared for responsibly over time and which won’t require expensive maintenance down the road because of poor initial planning. That means higher resale value!

Ready to embark on a journey towards creating a green and lush outdoor space? Look no further than our beginner’s guide to sustainable landscaping: Sustainable Landscaping 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Green Outdoor Space. From choosing the right plants to conserving water, this guide covers all the basics you need to know to get started.


We hope that we’ve convinced you to give sustainable landscaping a try. If you’re already on board with this idea, then great! 

But if not, then don’t worry–we know that it can be intimidating to make changes in your yard or garden when there are so many other things on your mind.

Our advice is simple: start small and work from there. Start by planting some trees around your property or adding more plants to your garden beds; these projects will help you get comfortable with the idea of sustainability before diving into something big like building an outdoor composting system or converting all of those lawn pesticides into natural alternatives.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on sustainable gardening practices:

Unlocking the Benefits of Sustainable Gardening Practices with Native Plants: Learn more about how native plants can help improve the sustainability of your garden and the benefits they offer.

Sustainable Gardening Solutions for Climate Change: Check out this excellent resource from the University of Maryland Extension, which offers a wealth of information on sustainable gardening practices and how they can mitigate climate change.

Sustainable Gardening: What It Is and How to Do It: This article from NaturezEdge provides valuable insights on sustainable gardening practices, including tips on composting, companion planting, and much more.


Here are some frequently asked questions about sustainable gardening:

What is sustainable gardening?

Sustainable gardening is a type of gardening that adopts practices that enable it to be carried out in a way that is ecologically responsible, eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and reduces the amount of waste produced by the garden.

What are some sustainable gardening practices?

There are various sustainable gardening practices, including using native plants, practicing composting, crop rotation, intercropping, companion planting, water conservation, and organic gardening.

How does sustainable gardening help the environment?

Sustainable gardening practices can significantly reduce the impact of gardening on the environment by reducing chemical inputs, conserving water, promoting biodiversity, and reducing the carbon footprint of gardening activities.

Can I grow vegetables in a sustainable garden?

Yes, vegetables can be grown in a sustainable garden through the use of various sustainable gardening practices such as crop rotation, composting, and organic gardening methods.

What are the benefits of sustainable gardening?

Sustainable gardening practices offer several benefits, including improving soil quality, reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers, conserving water, promoting biodiversity, reducing environmental impact, and producing delicious and healthy food.