The Secret To A Green Lawn: 10 Proven Lawn Care Strategies

Lawn care is a serious commitment. It’s not just a matter of watering the grass or mowing the grass. There’s a whole world of lawn care that you might not be aware of. 

If you want to have an amazing green lawn, it’s time to learn about how to keep your yard healthy with these top 10 strategies for looking after your turf:

Make your ugly lawn DARK GREEN in 3 days
Lawn Care Strategies
Use native plants that are adapted to the local climate
Sustainable landscaping can reduce water usage by up to 50%
Mow your lawn regularly and keep the grass height to about 3 inches tall
Avoid common hardscaping mistakes that can damage your yard
Regularly removing only one-third of your lawn’s length can contribute to a healthier lawn
Water your lawn deeply and less frequently
Fertilize your lawn to promote soil quality and root health
Include native plants in your landscaping for eco-friendly practices
Maintain your lawn during the winter to keep it healthy
Regular lawn maintenance is important for a healthy and green lawn


The most important part of lawn care is watering.

Watering your lawn helps to keep it green and lush, but too much or too little water can damage the grass. The best way to find out how often and how long you should water your lawn depends on what kind of grass you have, but there are general rules that apply across the board:

If you have Kentucky bluegrass or Bermuda grass, you should water every day during hot weather (at least once per week in cooler weather). 

This will keep the roots moist so they don’t die out from lack of oxygen at any time during their growth cycle (about 6 weeks). 

If these types of grasses go more than two days without being watered thoroughly enough to reach down into their root zone (2 inches deep), they will die back significantly and take months before they recover fully again!

A key aspect of sustainable landscaping is using native plants that are adapted to the local climate. Check out our guide on how to select the perfect landscaping plants for your home to learn more about choosing the right plants for your outdoor space.


Fertilizing is the process of adding nutrients to the soil. It helps plants grow better, faster and stronger. Fertilizing also helps prevent disease and pests.

If you want your lawn to be healthy, it’s important that you fertilize regularly with a slow-release fertilizer (such as Milorganite) or compost tea every 3-4 weeks during spring and summer months.

Fertilizers for LawnsDescription
Slow-Release FertilizerReleases nutrients gradually over several months, reducing the frequency of fertilization required.
Quick-Release FertilizerReleases nutrients immediately to provide an instant boost to the lawn.
Organic FertilizerMade from natural materials and provide slow-release nutrients over a long period of time.
Synthetic FertilizerMade from synthetic materials and provides immediate nutrients to the lawn.
Liquid FertilizerApplied in liquid form and intended to be absorbed quickly by the lawn for fast results


Aeration is a vital part of lawn care, and it should be done at least once per year. The purpose of aerating is to remove chunks of soil from your lawn, which allows oxygen and water to reach the roots. This promotes healthy root growth and helps prevent disease in your grass.

You can rent an aerator from most hardware stores or hire someone to do it for you; either way, this task is best left to professionals who know what they’re doing because they have experience with different types of equipment and may also have access to specialized tools that help them avoid damaging the roots while removing them (for example, some machines use spikes instead). 

If you decide on hiring someone else, ask around among friends first before making any decisions–you might find someone who knows exactly what kind of work needs doing without charging too much money!

Another option is using manual methods such as digging small holes with spoons or forks that match up with those made by powered equipment so that air can penetrate more easily into those spots where soil has been removed.”

Did you know that one of the benefits of sustainable landscaping is that it can reduce your water usage by up to 50%? Learn more about the benefits of sustainable landscaping in our article on why you need to implement sustainable landscaping in your garden now and find out how you can help the environment while also saving money.


Your lawn will stay green and healthy if you keep it clean. When fall rolls around, it’s time to get rid of leaves, weeds and other debris so they don’t turn into an eyesore come springtime.

Clean up leaves: Use a leaf blower or rake to clean up fallen leaves from your yard before they break down into mulch. If you want to get really fancy, consider using a mulching mower instead of bagging them up–this will help prevent clogging in the vacuum cleaner as well as make composting easier later on!

Remove weeds: This is important because some weeds can spread very quickly and become impossible to remove once they’ve taken hold in your lawn (weeds like dandelions). 

We recommend using pre-emergent herbicides while they’re still small enough for easy removal later on; check out our article “How To Get Rid Of Weeds In Your Lawn” for more information!

Winterizing ProductsDescription
Winterizing Pool CoverCovers the entire pool and creates a barrier to prevent debris from entering the pool during winter months.
Winterizing PlugsUsed to seal the return jets in the pool and other plumbing lines to prevent freezing and water damage.
Winterizing Chemical KitsSpecialized kits provide pool owners with chemicals needed to clean and maintain pool water during the winter season.
Air PillowsPlaced under pool covers, helps displace water and relieve the weight of ice and snow.
Winterizing Skimmer CoversCovers that snap onto the skimmer to seal it off against ice and debris during the winter months.


Seeding is a great way to get a new lawn started, but it’s not always the right choice. Seed is more expensive than sod and requires more time and care to grow. 

If you’re just looking to fill in bare spots in your existing lawn or fill out an area that doesn’t have enough grass yet, seeding may be too much work for you.

You should only use seed if:

  • You have plenty of time and energy (and money) available for maintenance.
  • The area is large enough–at least 10 square feet–to justify the expense of buying seed instead of laying down sod strips or rolls.

Seeds can be planted at any time during spring or early summer as long as the temperature remains above 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night; however most people prefer planting them when daytime highs are above 80 degrees Fahrenheit so they’ll germinate quickly

Lawn maintenance is crucial for keeping your yard looking healthy and green. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Lawn Maintenance to learn more about the best practices for lawn care throughout every season.


Mowing is the most basic lawn care strategy. If you mow too short or too long, it can damage your grass and make it hard to grow back.

Mowing height should be between 3-4 inches. Mow when the grass is dry (not after rain or watering), and mow in the same direction every time so that you don’t create a pattern in your lawn that looks like stripes across its face–and also makes it harder for pests like grubs to hide in those lines! 

Also remember: if possible, try not to cut off more than 1/3rd of each blade at any one time; otherwise you’ll stress out your plant by exposing its roots too much all at once!

Finally: make sure that all these tips are applied consistently throughout springtime until fall–you’ll see results before long!

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced landscaper, it’s easy to make common hardscaping mistakes that can damage your yard. Check out our article on 15 common hardscaping mistakes you’re probably making to learn about these mistakes and how you can avoid them.


Chlorinating is the process of adding chlorine to water. It helps kill bacteria and other organisms in the water, which can cause disease.

Chlorine is a chemical that is used to disinfect water, such as tap or well water. When you chlorinate your lawn and garden tools, it will kill most of any germs on them. 

This can help prevent the spread of disease from one person to another by using these tools without washing them first (like when gardening).

Pool Chlorine ProductsDescription
Liquid ChlorineLiquid form of chlorine which effectively kills harmful bacteria in pool water.
Granular ChlorineFast-dissolving and made for easy application to maintain proper levels of chlorine in pool water.
Chlorine TabletsSlow-dissolving and long-lasting, they are convenient to use and can be placed into a floating chlorinator or skimmer basket.
Saltwater Chlorination SystemsElectrolysis systems that use salt in the pool water to generate and distribute chlorine, reducing the need to add chemicals manually.

Weed Control

If you have a weed problem, the first thing to do is pull the weeds by hand. It may sound like a lot of work, but it’s actually not that bad–and it will save you money in the long run. 

The best time to do this is in early spring or late fall when most weeds are just beginning their growth cycle and don’t have many leaves yet. 

Plus, if you’re doing it right after rain or watering your lawn (or both), then some of those pesky little buggers might even come out with a little help from their friends: water!

If you’d rather not spend hours pulling out every last dandelion from your garden plot each year, then consider using a weed killer instead (but only if there are no children playing nearby). 

Be sure not to apply anything toxic directly onto any part of your lawn itself though; always keep herbicides away from grassy areas so as not damage its roots system! 

Finally if neither option seems feasible for whatever reason then try using some sort of tool designed specifically for removing unwanted plants from gardens such as trimmers etcetera–you’ll find these available at most hardware stores near where yours lives.”

Did you know that regularly removing only one-third of your lawn’s length when mowing can actually contribute to a healthier lawn? Check out our article on 10 surprising lawn care tips you need to know now to learn more about these surprising lawn care tips that can keep your lawn looking lush and green.


Lawn care can be a daunting task for anyone, especially when it comes down to knowing which strategy is going to work best for your lawn. 

A lot of people make the mistake of trying too many things at once and end up causing more damage than good. 

The key is finding one or two techniques that work well together and then sticking with those until they become a habit before adding anything else in.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about lawn care:

7 Secrets to Keep Your Lawn Green and Healthy: This article provides tips on how to keep your lawn green and healthy, including advice on mowing, watering, and fertilizing.

Top 10 Lawn Care Tips for a Healthy Lawn: The Secret to a Green, Lush, and Vibrant Yard: Blooms Landcare outlines top 10 lawn care secrets that keep a lawn healthy, green, lush, and happy.

10 Lawn Care Tips to Green Lush Grass: Another tips-and-tricks article that provides advice on how to get green, lush grass using methods like watering, fertilizing, and adding nutrients to the soil.


How often should I water my lawn?

The frequency with which you should water your lawn depends on several factors, but generally, it is best to water your lawn once or twice a week, and less in rainy season. Water your lawn deeper and less often to get healthy roots.

Is it okay to cut more than one-third of the grass length when mowing?

Mowing more than one-third can put the lawn into shock and damage the tip of the grass. This can make lawns look unattractive and cause their health to decline over time. It is recommended that you mow your lawn regularly and keep the grass height to about 3 inches tall.

How can fertilizing help my lawn?

Fertilizer is important as it helps to improve soil quality, and promote root health and growth. It may also help your lawn recover from diseases, drought, and pests.

What kind of plants can help with eco-friendly landscaping?

Native plants are ideal for eco-friendly landscaping as they are well-suited to the local environment and require less water and maintenance. Consider including indigenous grasses or other drought-resistant plants in your yard.

How do I maintain my lawn during the winter?

Although growth slows down in the winter, it’s still critical to maintain your lawn. Don’t stop cutting grass during the winter, but maintain the height to about 2-2.5 inches. Reduce irrigation frequency, but when top layers of soil are dry, water your lawn in deep watering cycles. Applying calcium will provide more protection against freezing winter weather.