The Benefits Of Xeriscaping: How A Low-Water Garden Can Save You Time And Money

Is it possible to have a beautiful landscape that requires less water and time to maintain? Yes, you can have a low-water garden in your yard or home. Xeriscaping is a gardening technique that originated in the arid Southwest. 

It uses plants that are native to areas with little rain, as well as other approaches such as mulching, composting and using natural materials like rocks or wood for mulch instead of plastic or wood chips. 

These techniques help minimize the need for watering your plants during hot weather or at all!

Seven Steps to Xeriscaping – Sustainable Water
Xeriscaping is a sustainable landscaping technique that can save water and money while still maintaining a beautiful landscape.
Using drought-tolerant plants, minimizing the use of grass, and maintaining healthy soil are some of the key components of xeriscaping.
Xeriscaping can be accomplished in any region with some modifications and adaptations to the climate and water conditions.
Besides water conservation, xeriscaping can also have beneficial impacts on pollution, maintenance costs, and local wildlife.
While the implementation cost may be high, xeriscaping can ultimately lead to long-term cost savings and benefits.

Irrigation And Water Bills Are Expensive

The cost of water is increasing. As the world’s population grows and more people move to cities, demand for clean drinking water will continue to increase. 

While there are many ways you can save water around your home, one of the most effective steps you can take is to replace your lawn with xeriscaping.

Xeriscaping techniques can help you save water and money while still maintaining a beautiful landscape. Our article on Xeriscaping Ideas provides creative ways to save water in your landscape and still have a stunning garden.

Xeriscaping Can Save You Time

At first glance, it may seem like you’ll be spending more time maintaining a low-water garden. That’s not the case! You can spend less time watering, mowing, weeding and fertilizing when you create a garden with xeriscaping principles in mind.

As mentioned above, your water bill will likely be lower due to the reduced amount of water you use every day. 

This means that you have more money available for other things   or maybe even some extra cash at the end of each month! There are also several ways that xeriscaping can save you time:

As mentioned above, watering is an essential part of gardening but one that can take up quite a bit of your free time if done incorrectly (or if you’re doing it too much). 

By following proper methods of irrigation with drip hoses and timers instead of sprayers or sprinklers (or even hand watering), this task becomes far easier on both body and spirit. It also allows for better control over where water goes so there’s less waste overall.

Maintaining a beautiful garden while being environmentally friendly is possible with the help of sustainable practices like xeriscaping. Learn more about Xeriscaping Tips that can help you have a sustainable garden and save water.

Water, Such As Rainwater, Is A Precious Resource

Water, such as rainwater, is a precious resource. It’s also a free and renewable resource. By using rainwater to water your garden (instead of tap water) you can save yourself time and money while doing something good for the environment.

Xeriscaping is the practice of landscaping with plants that require little or no supplemental irrigation or rainfall. 

Xeriscaping involves using native plants, which have evolved to thrive in their region’s climate without requiring much care beyond occasional watering during times of drought; this reduces maintenance needs compared to traditional gardens where non-native plants are planted and require more frequent watering due to their sensitivity to changes in local conditions such as temperature fluctuations from season to season.

The Importance of Water Resources

Water Resource% of Total Water on Earth% Available for Human Use
Surface water0.03%3%

Water, whether it be rainwater, groundwater, or surface water, is a precious resource that we rely on for various purposes such as drinking, irrigation, and sanitation. This table provides data on the scarcity of water, which is critical to understanding its value in our world.

Although freshwater makes up only 2.5% of the total water on Earth, only 30% of that is available for human use. Of that 30%, 97% is groundwater, while only 3% is surface water. This data reinforces the importance of conservation efforts like xeriscaping to help preserve this limited resource for future generations.

Landscape Maintenance Is Expensive

Xeriscaping is a great way to save money on landscaping. When you install a low-water garden, the costs are minimal and the benefits are many. 

Landscaping maintenance can be expensive because of all the time it takes to tend to your yard. Xeriscopying will help you cut back on this time and money spent by reducing or eliminating water usage altogether. 

At first glance, it may seem like there would be no savings if you don’t use any water whatsoever! However, if you do decide to DIY this project yourself instead of hiring professionals (which we highly recommend), then you will spend much less than if they completed it for you.

If your yard is small enough that its size doesn’t warrant hiring professional services or if it’s large enough where hiring professionals wouldn’t make sense financially or both then creating a xeriscaped landscape could save money as well as time that would otherwise be spent maintaining another type of outdoor space

Xeriscaping can be intimidating for beginners, but it is a great way to conserve water while still having a beautiful garden. Check out our guide on Xeriscaping for Beginners to learn how to get started with xeriscaping.

Low-Water Landscapes Are Beautiful

Low-water landscapes are beautiful. They can be designed to fit the style of your home, or match your budget and lifestyle. 

A landscape design consultant will work with you to create a unique landscape that not only saves water but also looks great.

Beauty of Low-Water Landscapes

GardenKey Features
Desert GardenDrought-tolerant flowering plants, sand, and rocks
Eco-Friendly GardenNative grasses, flowering shrubs, and mulch
Zen GardenMinimalist design, rock formations, and water features
English GardenPerennials, ornamental grasses, and natural stonework
Cottage GardenClimbing roses, trellises, and colorful annuals

Low-water landscapes can be just as beautiful as traditional landscapes and can be designed to fit any style. Whether you prefer a minimalist Zen garden, or an English garden filled with colorful perennials, there’s a low-water garden design that suits your needs.

This data-driven table highlights key features of five types of low-water landscapes: Desert Garden, Eco-Friendly Garden, Zen Garden, English Garden, and Cottage Garden.

Xeriscaping Can Help Us Make Better Use Of Our Scarce Water Resources.

Water is a precious resource, and one that is becoming more limited every day. While we may think of water as an unlimited resource because it falls from the sky and flows through our taps, the fact is that it takes a lot of energy to make that happen. 

That’s why many cities are using recycled wastewater for their drinking water supply: it saves them money on energy. 

But even if you live in an area where clean drinking water isn’t scarce, there are still other ways to conserve how much we use while also making sure we have enough left over for future generations and one way to do this is by going xeriscape!

Xeriscaping means choosing plants that require little or no supplemental watering during the growing season (a good rule of thumb is “drought tolerant”). 

These plants thrive in hot climates where drought conditions are common; they’re also well suited for areas with colder winters because they don’t need as much irrigation during those months either (although you should check with your local County Extension Office before deciding what kind of plants will grow well where you live). 

By planting these kinds of shrubs and trees instead of grasses like Kentucky bluegrass or Bermuda hayes which need regular watering throughout springtime until fall arrives again after summer’s scorching heat breaks up into fall’s cooler temperatures again!

Xeriscaping is an effective way of creating a water-wise garden that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. If you want to learn more about Xeriscaping 101 and how to make your garden more efficient and sustainable, check out our guide.

Xeriscapes Are Environmentally Sustainable

Xeriscaping is a sustainable gardening method that uses less water and fewer resources than traditional landscaping. It helps reduce the amount of pollution that runs off from your property into local waterways, which are important for both wildlife and human life.

Because you’re using significantly less water and nutrients, you have to fertilize less often (if at all), which results in fewer chemicals being released into the environment. 

This means there is also less pesticide runoff into lakes, rivers and streams; fewer pesticides on your plants; and fewer pesticides around to get on our skin or be ingested through food. Xeriscaped gardens are also more resistant to drought because they don’t need as much irrigation due to their design choices (for example: drip irrigation instead of sprinklers).

Xeriscapes Can Require Less Fertilizer Than Other Landscapes

Xeriscaping can also be a great way to save money. Not only does xeriscaping require less water than traditional landscapes, but it also requires much less fertilizer. 

Fertilizer is an expensive addition to a garden and can be harmful for the environment if not used properly. It’s best to purchase organic or slow-release fertilizers that are safer for you and your plants. 

These alternatives are more expensive than traditional fertilizers, but they’re well worth the investment because they promote healthy growth without leaching into the soil or groundwater like traditional fertilizers tend to do.

Xeriscaping and Fertilizer Usage

Landscape TypeAnnual Fertilizer Usage (lbs/1000 sq ft)
Traditional Lawn3-4 lbs
Xeriscape1-2 lbs
Native Landscape0-1 lbs

Xeriscaping is a sustainable landscape design technique that requires less fertilizer than traditional lawn landscapes. By incorporating drought-tolerant plants that have adapted to the local climate, xeriscapes can maintain healthy soil that requires minimal additional fertilization throughout the year.

This data shows that while traditional lawns require up to 4lbs of fertilizer per 1000 sq ft per year, xeriscapes can thrive with only 1-2lbs, and native landscapes require little to no fertilizer.

Xeriscapes Can Increase Property Values

Your home’s landscaping is a valuable asset that can add value to your property. Xeriscapes are no exception: they can increase the curb appeal of your home and make it more desirable to potential buyers. 

According to a study by the University of Arizona, xeriscapes are also cheaper than traditional lawns, saving homeowners money on outdoor maintenance costs.

In addition to adding aesthetic value and saving money on upkeep, xeriscapes have other benefits as well. 

They’re a great way for homeowners who aren’t able-bodied or physically active (elderly people or those with disabilities) to take care of their gardens without having trouble doing so; they’re also ideal for people who don’t want the hassle of watering their yards regularly because watering isn’t required!

An eco-friendly outdoor space is a valuable addition to any home, and it can have a positive impact on the environment. Discover how to create a beautiful and eco-friendly outdoor space in our article on How to Create a Beautiful Eco-Friendly Outdoor Space and find inspiration for your next project.

Xeriscapes Conserve Groundwater Supplies In Many Areas Of The Country

Xeriscaping is a great way to conserve water.

Xeriscaping means using plants that are adapted to local climates and soil conditions. These plants use less water than traditional landscaping, which means you’ll use less water for your yard, home or community.

Xeriscaping and Groundwater Conservation

RegionAverage Annual Groundwater Savings with Xeriscaping
Southwest14,000 gallons per household
California11,000 gallons per household
Texas10,000 gallons per household
Arizona5,500 gallons per household
Colorado7,500 gallons per household

Xeriscaping is an effective way to conserve groundwater supplies in various regions across the country. Implementing xeriscaping techniques can save thousands of gallons of water per household, making it an excellent option for areas that are prone to drought or have limited water resources.


All in all, xeriscaping is a great way to conserve water and reduce your landscape maintenance costs. It’s also good for the environment! 

If you have any questions about xeriscaping or want to see some examples of what this can look like in your yard, give us a call today. We’d love to help turn your yard into a beautiful low-water paradise.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to learn more about xeriscaping:

The Benefits of Xeriscaping: This blog post by Lawn Love explains the benefits of xeriscaping and gives practical tips for implementing it in your landscape.

Xeriscaping from National Geographic Education: This educational resource explores the benefits of xeriscaping and provides suggestions for sustainable landscaping practices.

Xeriscaping Explained and Ways It Can Save You Money by R&S Landscaping: This article provides a detailed explanation of xeriscaping and offers tips for how it can save you money in the long run.


Here are some frequently asked questions about xeriscaping:

What is xeriscaping?

Xeriscaping is a type of landscaping that uses low-water-use plants and other sustainable practices to conserve water and reduce maintenance needs.

How does xeriscaping save water?

Xeriscaping saves water by using drought-tolerant plants that require less irrigation. It also involves maintaining healthy soil, mulching, and minimizing the use of grass, which is a high-water-use plant.

What are the benefits of xeriscaping besides water conservation?

In addition to water conservation, xeriscaping can help reduce pollution, lower maintenance costs and time, prevention of soil erosion, and support of local wildlife.

Is xeriscaping only for arid regions?

No, xeriscaping can be practiced in any region as it can be adapted to different climates and water conditions.

Is xeriscaping difficult to maintain?

Xeriscaping can be easier to maintain than traditional landscapes as it often requires less water, fertilizer, and maintenance time. Though the initial cost of xeriscaping can be high, they can be seen as investments and offer long-term benefits.