Lawn Care On A Budget: 15 Money-Saving Tips You Need To Know

Lawn care is not only a fun activity, but it’s also an important part of home maintenance. If you take the time to maintain your lawn and keep it healthy, you’ll be rewarded with a lush green yard that looks great year-round. 

However, maintaining a healthy lawn can get expensive if you aren’t careful. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to save money while still maintaining a beautiful yard – all it takes is some planning ahead! 

In this article we’ll cover 15 ways that homeowners can cut costs when it comes to keeping their grass green and healthy:

5 SIMPLE steps to a PERFECT lawn – lawn care for beginners
– Mowing your lawn higher can reduce weed growth and improve soil moisture retention.
– Watering your lawn early in the morning or late at night can reduce water loss and promote deeper root growth.
– Knowing your soil pH level and the type of grass you have can help you choose the right fertilizers and save money on unnecessary purchases.
– It’s possible to make your own organic lawn care solutions, such as compost tea or vinegar weed killer, to reduce the cost of chemicals.
– Regular maintenance, such as aerating and overseeding, can help prevent costly repairs and keep your lawn healthy.

Buy Used Equipment

If you have a neighbor with a lawnmower that doesn’t work, or if you see a garage sale ad for one, give them a call. 

This is the perfect opportunity to start your business with used equipment that’s still in good condition and save money on new equipment. 

You can also find quality used lawn care equipment on sites like Craigslist at drastically reduced prices (sometimes even free).

Maintaining a lawn requires constant care, attention, and knowledge. To get a beautiful lawn all year round, check out our article on Lawn Care 101, where we provide essential tips to help keep your grass looking healthy and green.

Go Organic

Use organic fertilizers. Both organic and chemical fertilizers can be used to feed your lawn, but the former is often better for the environment and doesn’t contain harsh chemicals that could damage your lawn.

Use organic pesticides and herbicides. While it may seem counterintuitive to use something natural on things that aren’t, using organic pesticides and herbicides on your lawn will help keep all of those pesky bugs and weeds at bay without also hurting any animals or children who might accidentally ingest them (or worse).

Use only organic seed when planting new grass seedlings in your yard because there are no chemicals involved in their creation—and even if you don’t get the best results from this method, you won’t have to worry about them negatively impacting anyone else’s health!

Non-Toxic SolutionsOrganic lawn care solutions are typically non-toxic and safe for family and pets alike. This can reduce the risks of exposure to harmful chemicals.
Environmental BenefitsOrganic lawn care is kinder to the environment, reducing pollution and the risk of runoff. This can make your lawn a safer place for wildlife and reduce your carbon footprint.
Cost SavingsGoing organic can reduce overall lawn maintenance costs, replacing costly fertilizers and treatments with compost and other natural solutions.
Promotion of Soil HealthOrganic lawn care solutions focus on promoting soil health through the use of compost, grass cycling, and other natural practices. This can help to create a sustainable lawn for years to come.
Reduced Lawn DiseasesOrganic lawn care practices can reduce the incidence of pests and diseases, ultimately reducing the risk of damage to your lawn.

Don’t Over Mow

Maintaining the right height is crucial to a healthy lawn. If you mow too short, your grass will not be able to absorb nutrients and water properly, so it becomes susceptible to disease and other problems. 

On the other hand, if you let your grass get too tall (like the shaggy dog in those memes), roots can become damaged or even die off from being exposed for too long – which means that you’ll have patches of dead turf throughout your yard!

The best time to mow depends on where you live if it rains often in your area, then don’t wait for dry spells before cutting back on watering; conversely if there’s less rainfall during warmer months then hold off on cutting until after they’ve passed. 

However regardless of where you are it’s important not only how often but how much as well: If you’re unsure what length should be best leave an extra inch of growth over what feels comfortable because once cut down further than necessary there may at least still be some hope left when we talk about fertilization later!

Sometimes, making mistakes is part of learning. But when it comes to lawn care, it’s best to avoid them. With our article on The Top 15 Lawn Care Mistakes, you’ll learn what mistakes to avoid and how to fix them for a vibrant lawn.

Use a Push Mower for the First Cut of the Season

If you haven’t used a push mower in years, it’s time to give them another look. They’re cheaper, they use less energy and they’re safer than gas-powered lawnmowers. 

And if you’re concerned about the environmental impact of cutting grass with a gas-powered mower, consider this: According to the EPA, “The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 16%–18% of all non-road diesel emissions come from lawn equipment.”

So what are some other benefits? Push mowers are also quieter than power tools; easier to store; easier to maintain; and safer for people who have physical limitations or young children in their home.

Rake Up Leaves and Debris in Fall

The fall months are the perfect time to rake up leaves and other debris that fell throughout the summer. 

It’s important to keep your lawn looking tidy, so you can feel proud of it when you’re sitting on your porch enjoying a nice hot cup of tea! Here’s what you should know:

Use a leaf rake so that you can collect the leaves easily. You might want to start out with just one rake in your garage, but then eventually invest in two or three if they come at a good price. 

It may sound silly, but sometimes having too many rakes causes them all to get lost under sweaters or other stuff in closets! I’ve been guilty of this myself before the best rule is “one for each season”. 

So if there are three seasons where leaves tend to land (spring/summer/fall), then get three different sets of rakes so that each set is only used once per year. This way none ever gets lost because no one will even think about using them twice!

Prevention of Mold GrowthWet leaves and debris can encourage mold growth and disease in your lawn. Raking up leaves and debris in the fall can prevent this and promote a healthy lawn.
Easier Spring CleanupRaking up leaves in the fall makes for an easier spring cleanup. Leaving a thick layer of leaves over winter can cause the grass to suffocate, resulting in bare spots come spring.
Reduced Risks of PestsDead leaves and debris are often a haven for pests to build their nests. Removing leaves and debris in the fall can help reduce the number of pests in your yard come spring.
Better Nutrient AbsorptionRaking up leaves and debris reduces the amount of material on the lawn which can impede nutrient absorption. This can help keep your lawn greener throughout the season.
Reduced Need for Lawn ServicesRaking up leaves and debris in the fall helps maintain the overall health of your lawn and reduces the need for costly lawn services come spring.

Leave Grass Clippings in the Lawn

Grass clippings are a great source of nutrients for your lawn. These leaves and stems, which you cut off when mowing your grass, can be left in the yard or composted if you have that option.

But don’t put them in the trash! Grass clippings take up too much space in landfills and they need to decompose before being thrown away which takes energy and time. If you’re not composting them, leave it on the lawn for two reasons:

  • It will fertilize the soil naturally, promoting healthy growth and preventing weed growth
  • The moisture from these clippings will help keep your grass green longer

Fertilizing your lawn at the right time is crucial to its optimal growth. In our article on The Best Time to Fertilize Your Lawn, you’ll find expert tips on when to fertilize your lawn and how to achieve optimal growth and health.

Mow High and Sharpen Blades

You can save money by mowing your lawn infrequently, but that’s not the best way to go about it. If you cut your grass too short, you’ll have to do it more often (which means spending more money on gas) or risk having an unhealthy lawn in need of constant attention. 

A better option is to use a mower that cuts high, so you don’t need to worry about how often you mow and can wait until the grass is ready for its next trimming. 

If your current model doesn’t have this feature built in (or if yours has seen better days), consider trading up for a new one with this capability—it could save you hundreds over time!

Aerate Your Lawn Once a Year

You can help your grass grow by aerating it once a year. This step is particularly important if you have a lot of clay in your soil, as clay tends to retain too much water, which can lead to poor drainage and root rot. 

Aerating involves using special equipment that creates small holes in the ground, allowing oxygen and water to reach the roots of your plants more easily. It’s necessary for maintaining healthy root systems and preventing disease, mold and fungus growth (which will kill your lawn!)

Improved Water AbsorptionAeration reduces soil compaction and allows water to penetrate the soil more easily, improving water absorption and reducing water runoff.
Enhanced Fertilizer UptakeAerated soil allows fertilizer to reach the grassroots more easily, promoting healthy growth and reducing nutrient runoff.
Enhanced Air ExchangeAeration promotes air exchange and allows oxygen to reach the grassroots, improving soil quality and promoting healthy lawn growth.
Reduced Soil CompactionAerating soil reduces soil compaction, allowing grassroots to spread and grow, ultimately producing a denser and healthier lawn.
Reduced Thatch BuildupAeration reduces thatch buildup and encourages healthy microbial activity, preventing lawn diseases and damage.

Sharpen Your Own Lawn Mower Blades

If you feel like your mower is lacking power and performance, it’s time to sharpen those blades. When your lawn mower blades are dull, they can cause uneven cuts and leave pieces of grass behind. In addition to leaving patches of grass uncut, a dull blade will tear up your lawn rather than cut it cleanly.

Lawn mower blades should be sharpened every year or two depending on how often you use them and the size of the job (a small yard will require less maintenance than a large one).

 If you do not know how to do this yourself, take the lawnmower into an authorized service center for sharpening; if done incorrectly by an unqualified person, a sharpened blade could damage other components on your lawnmower and make it unsafe for future use.

There are several ways that you can sharpen your own blade:

  • Use an electric grinder with a diamond wheel attachment

Lawn care can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience. Our article on The Dos and Don’ts of Lawn Care provides expert advice on best lawn care practices, what to avoid, and how to maintain a healthy lawn.

Don’t Bag Clippings if You Have a Mulching Lawn Mower

If you’ve got a mulching lawn mower, opt for leaving the clippings on the lawn. The clippings will serve as fertilizer and will help your grass grow without having to use additional fertilizer.

Additionally, mulching reduces the need for watering because it helps retain moisture in the grass. This also saves money if you have an automatic sprinkler system less time spent watering means less money spent on electricity bills!

Wait Until Grass is Dry to Mow

Mowing wet grass is a lot like mowing over a sponge, which can cause clumping and matting. It’s also more difficult to push, causing you to exert extra effort pushing the mower.

Be sure to wait until your lawn has dried out before cutting so that you avoid damaging it or having to deal with clumps of grass in your yard.

Prevention of CloggingWaiting for grass to dry reduces clumping and clogging of the lawnmower, which can lead to more efficient mowing and less frequent cleaning of the mower.
Better Cut QualityDry grass is easier to cut and results in a cleaner cut, preventing damage to the grass blades and promoting healthy lawn growth.
Improved SafetyWet grass can be slippery and increase the risk of slipping or falling during mowing. Waiting for grass to dry increases traction and prevents accidents.
Reduced Fungal GrowthMowing wet grass can spread fungal spores, which can lead to lawn diseases and damage. Waiting for grass to dry reduces the risk of fungal growth and promotes a healthy lawn.
Cost SavingsBy waiting for grass to dry, you’ll prevent the need for frequent mower maintenance or replacement due to clogging or damage, leading to long-term cost savings.

Water Deeply, But Infrequently to Promote Deeper Root Growth

Watering deeply, but infrequently is the key to encouraging deep root growth. Deep roots are healthier, more drought-resistant, and better able to absorb nutrients. 

Watering infrequently also reduces the likelihood of disease problems caused by fungus and bacteria that live on the surface of wet soil.

When you water your lawn or garden deeply, use enough water so that it penetrates at least 6 inches into the soil.

Lawn care does not have to come with a hefty price tag. With our article on 10 Surprising Lawn Care Tips, you’ll learn practical tips to maintain the beauty and health of your lawn without breaking the bank.

Have Your Soil Tested to Know Exactly What Kind of Fertilizer You Should Use (and How Much)

You may have heard that you should have your soil tested before you apply fertilizer. Why? Because a soil test will tell you exactly what kind of fertilizer is needed, while also showing how much of each nutrient your lawn needs.

It’s easy to do a quick online search for more information about how to conduct a pH test at home too!


So, there you have it! These are just some of the many ways you can keep your lawn looking great and save money at the same time. We want to hear from you. What tips do you use? Let us know in the comments section below!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you save money and care for your lawn:

Top 10 Easy Ways to Save Money on Lawn Mowing & Care: This article shares simple and practical tips to reduce the cost of lawn care, from mowing techniques to watering schedules.

How Can You Save Money on Lawn Care?: From hiring a professional to doing it yourself, this article provides various ways to save money and achieve a healthy and beautiful lawn.

5 Ways to Save on Lawncare Costs: This article provides useful tips to save money on lawn care without sacrificing the quality of work, including negotiating with professionals and optimizing your watering system.


How often should I mow my lawn?

Ideally, you should mow your lawn once a week during the growing season, or when the grass is more than 3 inches tall.

How often should I water my lawn?

It’s recommended to water your lawn deeply, once or twice a week, instead of watering it a little every day. The amount of water will depend on your grass type, soil, and climate.

What is the best time to fertilize my lawn?

To optimize growth, it’s recommended to fertilize your lawn during the fall and spring, when the grass is actively growing.

How can I make my lawn more drought-resistant?

You can make your lawn more drought-resistant by planting drought-tolerant grasses, reducing the area of your lawn, and watering deeply and infrequently.

How can I save money on lawn care?

You can save money on lawn care by doing it yourself, negotiating prices with professionals, using organic and low-cost solutions, and maintaining your lawn regularly to prevent costly repairs.