Lawn Care 101: Essential Tips For A Beautiful Lawn All Year Round

Lawn care can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve just moved into a new house with an existing lawn. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way! I’m going to show you how easy it can be by walking you through the most important aspects of successful lawn care: soil preparation, watering schedules, mowing techniques, weed control methods and more. Let’s get started!

Pay Attention To Your Soil

Your lawn’s health depends on its soil. There are many factors that affect the health of your soil, but pH (a measure of acidity or alkalinity) is one of the most important. 

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14; 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline. Soil with a pH lower than 5 is too acidic for healthy plant growth and may not produce good turfgrass growth even if fertilized appropriately.

Soil pH affects nutrient availability to plants by controlling how much nutrients can be absorbed into roots, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies in the turfgrass blade when it grows later on in life if there are no other contributing factors such as poor drainage or aeration issues present as well.

Avoid Trampling Your Lawn

One of the most common problems is people walking or playing on their lawns when they are wet. This can cause damage to the grass and roots, which will kill your lawn. 

The same goes for driving heavy machinery over your lawn, like riding mowers or tractors. If you have a large area to cover with your mower, consider hiring a professional landscaper instead of attempting this yourself.

There are other ways that you can accidentally kill off your lawn:

Letting pets run around on it when it’s too wet could lead to damage from muddy paw prints or droppings in an area where there isn’t enough sunlight for the plants to grow back normally.

In addition, dogs tend not to be aware how much pressure they’re putting on their paws while digging at dirt clumps your poor grass won’t stand up well against such treatment! So keep Fido on his leash during these periods so he doesn’t get into any trouble…or else give him some toys (like Kongs!)

Don’t Mow Too Short

Mow high. If you’re mowing at the recommended height for your lawn and mower, there is no need to go shorter. In fact, by mowing too short you can cause damage to your grass and do more harm than good in terms of appearance.

Avoid scalping! Scalping occurs when the blades of your mower are set too close together, or if they’re not sharp enough to cut cleanly through thick growth. 

This results in an unsightly bald spot on top of your grass that looks like it has been shaved off with clippers instead of neatly trimmed by a pair of scissors (or a push-mower). 

It doesn’t look good and it can also prevent water from being absorbed properly into the soil beneath; plus, it will make everyday maintenance much more difficult because you have less access to get that clump out without damaging other areas around it.

Sharpen Your Mower Blades

Sharpening your mower blades at least once a season will not only keep your lawn looking its best, but it will also ensure that you can get through thick grass without having to stop and unclog the blades. 

If you’re not sure when it’s time for this DIY project, check with the manufacturer.

To sharpen mower blades:

Remove any clippings from the top of your mower deck using either an old broom or a leaf rake.

Remove any bolts holding on your blade guard. The bolts should be located on each side of where both wheels meet in the middle of their own individual blade guards, which are designed to cover up sharp edges and protect children and pets from injury while they run around outdoors playing soccer or other activities that could lead them into contact with sharp objects like rocks in someone else’s yard nearby (yours!).

Aerate Your Lawn

Aeration is a simple process that involves the mechanical removal of soil plugs from your lawn. These plugs are usually discarded and replaced with new soil to help improve drainage, aeration, and air circulation in your lawn. 

Aeration helps to prevent disease as well as overwatering by allowing oxygen into the soil.

Typically you should aerate your lawn once every two years or more often if you have sandy soils or poor drainage in the area but do check with your local nursery or garden center for specific recommendations about when to aerate your particular type of grass. 

For example, strenuous activity on sandy turf can cause compaction due to too much weight being placed on top of it; this will require more frequent aeration than other types of grasses would need.

Remove Weeds Immediately

While you’re mowing, keep an eye out for weeds. If they aren’t too mature, remove them immediately. Don’t let them go to seed; if you do, the seeds will spread to other areas of your lawn and make it difficult to maintain a beautiful lawn all year long.

Plant Locally-Adapted Grasses

If you want your lawn to thrive, planting local grasses is a must. The best way to do this is by looking up the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map for your area and then choosing a grass that matches your region’s climate. 

If you live in Los Angeles, California and don’t have much rain (less than 15 inches per year), then you should choose a warm-season grass like Bermuda or St Augustine because these varieties can tolerate drought conditions better than cool-season turf like Kentucky Bluegrass or Fescue.

For example:

  • Bermuda Grass – Grows well in coastal areas with sandy soil; requires less water than other warm season varieties(1)
  • Buffalo Grass – Hardy perennial that tolerates most soils and climates; works well on slopes or banks (2)
  • Couch Grass – Adapted for high traffic areas; grows rapidly but needs frequent mowing for best results (3)

Use Nutrients Sparingly And Wisely

Do not over fertilize your lawn. If you do, it can burn the grass and damage it. Use a balanced fertilizer rather than one that is too strong for your lawn; if you’re not sure what type would be best, talk to your local nurseryman or garden center staff member about it before purchasing any products that contain nutrients in order to avoid any potential problems later on down the road! 

Also, keep in mind that applying fertilizer to wet soil is never recommended as this process can lead to nutrient wash-off into storm drains which will ultimately end up polluting our watersheds (which leads us back around full circle again…).

Maintain A Regular Watering Schedule

Good lawn care starts with a solid watering schedule. Grass is made up of thousands of cells that hold water, which is why you see it turning brown and brittle in the summer when it’s not getting enough H2O. 

If you want to grow a healthy lawn, your best bet is to follow these guidelines:

The amount of water needed depends on the type of grass you have. For example, Bermuda grass needs more frequent watering than rye or fescue because they can withstand drier conditions better than Bermuda can. 

You may need to adjust the schedule if your lawn has new seedlings growing in it—these are less tolerant than mature grasses so use caution when watering them by hand!

Keep an eye on weather conditions; if there’s been rain recently, then don’t worry about scheduling any irrigation sessions until another week goes by without rainfall (or more!). 

But if there hasn’t been any precipitation for awhile and temperatures are continually rising above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius), then make sure your sprinkler system is running regularly throughout the day so that each area gets its fair share of H2O without any areas drying out prematurely due to lack thereof!

Fertilize In The Fall And Spring

While you may be tempted to fertilize your lawn in the spring, this is not the best time to do so. The correct time to fertilize your lawn is fall and spring. 

In the fall, you want to use a slow-release fertilizer that will help feed the roots of your grass all winter long. You can find these at any local home improvement store such as Lowe’s or Home Depot and they are pretty inexpensive as well!

In addition, make sure that you choose a fertilizer high in nitrogen because it helps keep your grass green through summer months when it would otherwise turn yellow from lack of sunlight (you might want to avoid using any products with weed killers if possible). 

Also look for one with phosphorus which helps promote strong root growth; if done correctly this will result in thicker stalks/stalks which means fuller looking blades! Finally ensure that whichever product you decide on has potassium since this element also aids with root health.”

Overseed bare spots in early fall

If you want the best chance at a lush, green lawn in the spring, overseed your bare spots in early fall. Fall is the best time to plant grass because it’s when temperatures are cool enough for new seeds to germinate and grow roots deep into the soil. 

Spring can be unreliable; if temperatures stay warm enough for plants to start growing during spring, chances are good that any rain will wash away newly planted seeds before they can take root. 

And if it does rain when temperatures are still cold or wet (as they often do), you risk killing off all those precious little sprouts with too much exposure to moisture or cold air before they have time to establish themselves firmly in the ground.

In general, avoid planting new turf until after Memorial Day and even then only if you know what type of grasses thrive in your area and how long it takes them to grow from seedlings into full-grown lawns. With these tips under your belt, though? You’ll be able to create a beautiful green space that makes everyone jealous!


The best way to have a lush and healthy lawn is to start by having a strong foundation. This means that you need to pay attention to your soil, avoid trampling or damaging the grass, and take the time necessary for proper fertilization. 

You’ll also want to watch out for weeds which can quickly turn an otherwise beautiful yard into an eyesore. 

Finally, it’s important that you water regularly throughout the year so that there are no dry spots in which pests could breed!