How To Create A Low-Maintenance Garden That Looks Amazing

It’s no secret that I love gardening. I grew up watching my mom plant flowers and vegetables in our garden, but she also had these little tricks up her sleeve that made her job easier. 

Her secret? She was a master at creating an easy-to-care for landscape and low maintenance garden. Here are some ways you can do the same:

How to Create a Classic Low Maintenance Garden
1. Creating a low-maintenance garden can be easy and require less time and effort than you might think.
2. Some ways to achieve a low-maintenance garden include using native plants, creating hardscaping features, and choosing plants that require minimal watering and upkeep.
3. Additional resources like guides and articles can help you learn more about creating a low-maintenance garden, and provide inspiration and ideas for design.
4. Common questions and answers about creating a low-maintenance garden include advice on plant selection, design principles, reducing the amount of lawn in your yard, and incorporating water-saving features.
5. By following best practices for low-maintenance gardening and taking advantage of resources available, you can create a beautiful and sustainable outdoor space that requires minimal maintenance and upkeep.

Plant Trees

Trees are a great way to create a low-maintenance garden. They provide shade, privacy and natural barriers for your yard. Trees can also be used as focal points or windbreaks, or even as sound barriers if you live close to busy streets or noisy neighbors.

We recommend planting at least one deciduous tree (trees that lose their leaves) in each corner of your garden so that they form an “L” shape around it–this will make it feel more like a private oasis than just another square on the block!

 Creating an environmentally friendly outdoor space has never been easier. With our guide on how to create a beautiful eco-friendly outdoor space, you’ll learn the steps you can take to minimize your environmental impact and create a stunning, sustainable outdoor living area.

Add Rocks

Rocks are a great way to add interest and character to a garden. They can be used to create water features, walls, paths and seating areas.

If you’re planning on adding rocks in your garden then make sure they don’t take up too much space. You don’t want them taking over the space that could be used for other plants or structures in your garden!

Recommended Rocks and Stones

MaterialSizeColorMaintenance Level
River RockSmall to LargeNatural TonesLow
Mexican Beach PebblesSmall to LargeDark Grey to BlackLow
GraniteSmall to LargeGrey or Pink TonesLow
LimestoneSmall to LargeTan or Grey TonesLow
FlagstoneLargeNatural TonesMedium

Adding rocks and stones to your garden can add visual interest and reduce the amount of maintenance required. River rocks, Mexican beach pebbles, granite, and limestone are all low-maintenance materials that come in a variety of different sizes and colors.

Flagstone is another great option for creating walkways and other hardscaping features that require minimal upkeep. By incorporating these materials into your outdoor space, you can create a beautiful and sustainable garden that requires very little maintenance.

Use Flagstone

Flagstone is a great choice for patios and walkways. It’s durable, low maintenance and easy to install. 

Flagstone comes in a variety of colors and sizes so you can pick a style that fits the look you’re going for. It’s also easy to clean and maintain–just sweep it off with a broom once in awhile!

Not everyone has the time or energy to devote to complex landscaping projects, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create a beautiful and environmentally friendly outdoor space. Our guide on 15 simple steps to sustainable landscaping provides easy-to-follow tips that can transform your yard without requiring a lot of effort.

Try Succulents

Succulents are an easy choice for any garden. They’re drought tolerant, so you don’t have to worry about them dying in a dry spell. 

Succulents can be planted directly into the ground or placed in containers, which makes them perfect for those with limited space or who don’t want to deal with digging up their lawns every time they want to switch up their landscape design.

Succulents are also low maintenance: they require little watering and no fertilizer–just some sunlight and good soil (which you should already have if your yard has been around long enough). 

If you forget about your succulent plant for too long, it will still survive because of its ability to store water within its leaves!

Recommended Succulent Plants

PlantWater NeedsSun ExposureMaintenance Level
EcheveriaLowFull SunLow
AeoniumLowFull Sun, Part ShadeLow
SedumLowFull SunLow
CrassulaLowFull Sun, Part ShadeLow
HaworthiaLowPartial ShadeLow
AgaveLowFull Sun, Part ShadeLow

Succulents are known for their low maintenance requirements and water tolerance. They can thrive in full sun and partial shade and require very little watering.

There are many types of succulents available, including Echeveria, Aeonium, Sedum, Crassula, Haworthia, and Agave. By choosing one or more of these plants for your garden, you can create a beautiful and low-maintenance outdoor space that requires minimal upkeep.

Choose Plants That Are Native To Your Area

You can also choose to grow plants that are native to your area. Native plants are more likely to be adapted to your local climate, so they’ll need less watering, fertilizer and other care. 

They’re also less likely to need additional watering or fertilizing because they have evolved with local pests and diseases in mind.

If you don’t know what kind of soil you have in your garden and whether it’s heavy clay or sandy loam (or something else), 

 Building the perfect outdoor living space requires more than just a few chairs and a table. With our guide on 15 must-haves for any outdoor living space, you’ll learn about key features and accessories that can turn your backyard into a relaxing and inviting oasis.

Seek Out Shade-Loving Plants

While you’re seeking out shade-loving plants, it’s also worth considering the type of shade your garden will receive. 

There are many different types of shade:

Partial shade means that the area receives some sun but not all day long. This can be achieved with trees or tall hedges in front of windows or doors, or by placing tall plants near windows so they block out direct sunlight during certain times of day.

Full shade is when no direct sunlight reaches any part of the plant at all throughout most days (e.g., beneath a tree). In this case, you may need to supplement with artificial lighting if you want more than just herbs and flowers growing in your garden space!

 If you’re short on time but still want to enjoy a beautiful garden, low-maintenance plants are a great solution. Check out our guide on the best low-maintenance landscaping plants for examples of species that are easy to care for and can add color and texture to your yard.

Plant Grasses And Ground Covers

Grasses and ground covers are an excellent choice for low-maintenance gardens. They don’t require much watering, fertilizing or pruning, so you can spend more time enjoying the fruits of your labor than maintaining them.

Grass is a great choice for filling in bare spots or creating a lawn around trees. This can be done easily with sod (which is already grown) or seeds (which will grow naturally). 

Ground cover plants are also perfect for creating borders around your garden beds–they’ll keep out weeds while adding beauty to your space!

Grow Perennials That Are Drought Tolerant As Well As Low Maintenance

You can also plant perennials that are drought tolerant and low maintenance. They’ll look great in your garden, and you won’t have to worry about them dying during a dry spell.

If you’re looking for something that will last through the summer months, try planting some perennial flowers like pansies or irises. These plants come in a variety of colors and shapes so they’ll add interest to any garden space!

Recommended Drought-Tolerant Perennials

PlantWater NeedsSun ExposureBloom TimeMaintenance Level
Blanket Flower (Gaillardia)LowFull SunSummerLow
Coneflower (Echinacea)LowFull SunSummerLow
Yarrow (Achillea)LowFull SunSummer-FallLow
SalviaLowFull SunSummer-FallLow
LavenderLowFull SunSummerLow
Russian Sage (Perovskia)LowFull SunSummer-FallLow
SedumLowFull SunSummer-FallLow

These perennials are known for their drought tolerance and low maintenance requirements. They require minimal watering and can thrive in full sun exposure. They bloom at various times in the summer and fall and require very little maintenance. By growing these plants, you can create a beautiful and sustainable outdoor space with minimal effort and upkeep.

Plant A Bird Garden To Attract Birds And Butterflies

To attract birds and butterflies, you’ll want to provide a variety of food sources. The best way to do this is by planting flowers that bloom at different times of year. This will allow you to enjoy blooms throughout the entire growing season, instead of just one or two short bursts of color.

There are many flowering plants that provide nectar for birds and butterflies: sunflowers, aster (Asteraceae), larkspur (Delphinium), wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa)

Xeriscaping is an effective way to conserve water while still maintaining a beautiful garden. Our guide on xeriscaping ideas provides a variety of creative and unique ways to incorporate water-wise landscaping into your outdoor space, including plant choices, hardscaping, and much more.

Incorporate Vines, Climbing Plants And Ground Cover That’s Easy To Grow And Maintain

Vines are beautiful additions to any garden because they add color and texture without requiring much maintenance. 

They can be used to cover fences or walls, providing privacy from neighbors. If you have an ugly spot in your yard that needs covering up, vines are a great option!


So, if you’re looking to make your garden more low maintenance, try incorporating some of these ideas into your next project! They will help you create a space that’s beautiful and also requires little work on your part.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you can use to learn more about creating a low-maintenance garden:

10 ways to a low-maintenance garden from the Royal Horticultural Society – A comprehensive guide to creating a low-maintenance garden, including tips on plant selection and design.

Low-maintenance garden ideas from Gardeningetc – A collection of ideas and inspiration for low-maintenance garden design, with tips on using hardscaping and other non-plant features.

12 low-maintenance garden ideas from homify – An article featuring low-maintenance garden ideas for small spaces, with tips on maximizing greenery while minimizing upkeep.


Here are some common questions and answers about creating a low-maintenance garden:

What are the best low-maintenance plants for a garden?

Some of the best low-maintenance plants for a garden include succulents, sedum, lavender, and ornamental grasses. These plants require minimal watering and upkeep, and can provide color and texture to your garden.

How can I reduce the amount of lawn in my yard?

One way to reduce the amount of lawn in your yard is to replace it with hardscaping features like gravel, stone, or pavers. You can also add mulched areas with plants that require minimal maintenance.

Are raised beds a good option for a low-maintenance garden?

Raised beds can be a great option for creating a low-maintenance garden, as they provide good drainage and allow you to control the soil conditions. You can fill them with low-maintenance plants and use mulch to prevent weeds from growing.

How can I incorporate water-saving features into my garden?

One way to incorporate water-saving features into your garden is to use xeriscaping techniques, which focus on using plants and features that require minimal water. You can also use drip irrigation systems and rain barrels to collect and distribute rainwater.

What are some good design principles for a low-maintenance garden?

Some good design principles for a low-maintenance garden include using masses of the same plant to simplify maintenance, incorporating hardscaping features, and using plants that require minimal pruning or other upkeep. You should also consider the layout of your garden to ensure good drainage and minimize erosion.