10 Surprising Lawn Care Tips You Need To Know Now

The grass is always greener on the other side, and that’s especially true when it comes to lawn care. Owning a home with a nice yard isn’t just about the pride of ownership; it’s also about making your property more attractive and raising its value.

Fortunately for you, these 10 tips can help you get started on your journey toward having the best-looking lawn in town!

7 Lawn Care Tips for a GREEN Lawn this Summer
– Mow your lawn high to promote deep root growth.
– Leave grass clippings on your lawn to provide natural fertilization.
– Water your lawn deeply and infrequently to encourage healthy root growth.
– Aerate your lawn annually to promote soil health and drainage.
– Use organic fertilizers to maintain healthy soil and strong grass.
– Choose the right grass type for your climate and lawn usage.
– Use natural pest control methods to protect your lawn and the environment.
– Test your soil regularly to ensure it has the right pH balance.
– Don’t overwater your lawn, as this can lead to disease and pest problems.
– Consider xeriscaping or native plants to reduce water usage and maintenance needs.

Use A Half-Empty Soda Can To Help Kill Weeds

Before you get out the weed killer, try this first: put a soda can on top of the offending plant. Then fill it with water. 

You’ll need to leave it there for a few days, but eventually all that moisture will kill your weeds. When you’re ready to pull them out of the ground, just grab the can and pull straight up!

Maintaining a healthy lawn requires consistent care and attention. Our Ultimate Guide to Lawn Maintenance provides expert tips and tricks to help you keep your lawn looking perfect all year round.

Check Your Water Pressure

If you notice that the water pressure in your home is low, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your plumbing system. 

The best way to check this is by checking it at the spigot itself and seeing if there are any leaks coming from faucets or fixtures. If there aren’t any visible signs of leaks (like dripping faucets), then you may want to call a plumber or do some research on how to repair it yourself.

If you do find a leak in your plumbing system, fixing these problems can help increase the amount of water available for lawn care tasks and other outdoor activities like washing cars or cleaning out grills after use!

Sign of High Water PressurePotential DamageSolution
Dripping faucetsWasted waterInstall a pressure regulator
Leaking pipesHigher risk of burst pipesInstall a pressure reducing valve
Noisy pipesRattling or banging pipesInstall an expansion tank
Short appliance lifespanDamage to appliances such as water heatersInstall a thermal expansion tank
High water billsExcess water usageInstall low-flow fixtures

Checking your water pressure is an important part of maintaining your plumbing system. High water pressure can cause damage to your pipes and appliances and also lead to wasted water and high water bills. There are several signs of high water pressure, including dripping faucets, leaking pipes, noisy pipes, a shortened appliance lifespan, and high water bills.

Each of these signs can have a different solution, such as installing a pressure regulator or reducing valve, an expansion tank, a thermal expansion tank, or low-flow fixtures. Consult with a plumbing professional to determine the best solution for your specific needs.

Use Beer Or Coffee To Keep Away Pests

You can also use beer or coffee grounds to keep away pests. Just put them in your garden or on top of your soil, and they’ll act as a natural pesticide. If you’re looking for a way to use up old coffee grounds, this is a great way to do it!

You can make your own fertilizer with these ingredients:

  • 1 part coffee grounds (dry)
  • 1 part eggshells
  • 2 parts water

Your outdoor living space is a valuable extension of your home, and with the right design, it can become a cozy retreat. Check out our post on Maximizing Your Outdoor Living Space for expert tips and tricks to turn your yard into an inviting oasis.

Treat Clumps Of Grass Like Matted Hair

Rake it. If you notice clumps of grass in your lawn, don’t pull them up by hand. Raking is the easiest way to loosen them without damaging the rest of your grass.

Get rid of it. Once you’ve loosened up a large clump, use a lawn mower or string trimmer to get rid of it—just be careful around trees and other delicate plants! 

You can also try using a weed whacker if you don’t have access to any other equipment but Want Something Quicker Than Raking.

Mow Your Grass High In The Summer And Low In The Winter

Mowing your lawn high in the summer and low in the winter is a great way to get more life out of your mower. If grass is mowed too short, it can’t hold moisture and will die back faster. 

Cutting high in hot weather encourages new growth that is deep-rooted and drought tolerant. This also reduces weed problems because there’s no leafy material left on top of the soil to hide seeds from germinating.

Maintaining a healthy lawn can be tricky, especially if you’re not sure which practices to avoid. Get expert advice on the Do’s and Don’ts of Lawn Care to help you keep your lawn green and healthy.

Select Plants That Will Naturally Look Good Together

If you want to mix and match your plants, it’s important to make sure they’ll all thrive in the same conditions. The best way to do this is by selecting plants that share similar light requirements plants with different needs will grow at very different rates, producing varied results. 

For example, if you’re adding a tall sunflower to an area full of short groundcovers or shrubs, it will cast shadows over them and stunt their growth considerably.

  • Select plants that have the same soil needs.

While some types of soil are more forgiving than others (sandier soils can easily be amended), it’s still easier on your lawn if all of your new additions are natively suited for your yard’s current condition. 

In areas with clay-rich soil like ours here in New Orleans, we recommend pairing grasses with perennials because they don’t require much additional watering once established—and watering is one thing our clay doesn’t need!

Companion PlantingVaries based on plantsMutual benefits for plants; natural pest control
Planting in Color ZonesVaries based on plantsCreates color coordination; visually appealing
Grouping Compatible SpeciesVaries based on plantsReduces maintenance; creates cohesiveness
Layering Plants by HeightVaries based on plantsAdds depth and interest; showcases different textures
Using a ThemeVaries based on plantsSets mood and style; creates visual interest

Put Down Organic Fertilizer For A More Natural Lawn

Organic fertilizer is any type of fertilizer that uses animal or plant matter to help your lawn grow. Organic fertilizers include manure, compost and other natural materials.

The benefits of using organic fertilizers are:

  • They’re better for the environment than chemical-based fertilizers because they don’t have harmful chemicals in them.
  • You can make your own organic fertilizer at home, which will save you money over time if you’re frugal like me!

Fertilizing your lawn is an essential aspect of lawn care, but timing is key to achieving optimal growth. Our experts share their insights on the Best Time to Fertilize Your Lawn to help you get the best results possible.

Plant Bulbs In The Fall For Spring Blooming Flowers

If you’re like most homeowners, you have a hard time keeping up with the maintenance of your yard. Between work and family obligations, it can feel overwhelming to devote time to anything outside of the house. 

However, you shouldn’t let that discourage you from making sure your lawn is looking its best. Here are some quick tips for getting started:

  • Plant bulbs in the fall for spring blooming flowers
  • Get rid of weeds without using harsh chemicals
  • Keep pet waste off of your grass

Don’t Be Afraid To Fill Up Empty Spaces

One of the best ways to conserve water while maintaining your lawn is to fill up empty spaces with plants. The more plants you have, the less need there is for watering.

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to filling in all those bare spots, look for native plants that are easy on the eyes and don’t require much maintenance. Also consider drought tolerant varieties if you’re living in an area that gets less than average rainfall.

Plants like aloe vera are great additions because they absorb moisture from the ground and emit it back out into the atmosphere so even if it doesn’t rain much, they’ll still produce a healthy amount of water!

Ideas for Filling Empty Spaces

Potted Plants$5-$50 per plantAdds color and interest; easy to move and change
Outdoor FurnitureVaries based on materialsAdds seating and functionality; creates gathering areas
Lighting$10-$50 per fixtureAdds ambiance and security; comes in various styles
Water FeaturesVaries based on size and materialsAdds soothing element; attracts birds and other wildlife
Decorative Objects$10-$100+Adds personality and style; can be changed seasonally

Don’t be afraid to fill up empty spaces in your outdoor living areas. With some strategic placement of potted plants, outdoor furniture, lighting, water features, or decorative objects, you can transform a plain or boring area into a cozy and inviting space.

Each option has its own benefits – potted plants add color and interest, outdoor furniture adds seating and functionality, lighting adds ambiance and security, water features add a soothing element, and decorative objects add personality and style. Choose the right mix for your style and budget to create the perfect outdoor living space.

Don’t Forget About Your Front Porch Or Other Areas Besides Just Your Yard, Such As The Deck Area

Don’t forget about your front porch or other areas besides just your yard, such as deck area. If you have extra rocks around the yard, consider landscaping with them for a more rustic, natural look. 

Ornamental grasses are good for this purpose as well. You can use rocks to create a path or border and even build garden beds!

You can also use some of these techniques to create a waterfall in your yard if you’d like. It’s not expensive to do and will give you plenty of entertainment while adding some ambience to your home!

Taking care of your lawn doesn’t have to break the bank. With these Money-Saving Tips, you can maintain a healthy lawn on a budget without compromising on quality.

Consider Doing Some Landscaping With Rocks For A More Rustic, Natural Look

Depending on the look you’re going for, rocks can be used to create a natural or rustic feel, or a more modern one. If you want to go with a more traditional style, choose darker colors like browns and blacks. If you prefer something contemporary, stick with lighter colors like whites and grays.

If your goal is to create an overall rustic look that incorporates all kinds of stone features into your landscape design (pathways, walls, etc.), then start by choosing some larger pieces of stone as accents throughout the yard. 

Then fill in spaces between them with smaller pieces that are strategically placed around those bigger pieces so they appear intentional don’t have them just sitting randomly! 

Keep in mind: You don’t have to limit yourself only using stones; other materials such as wood planks could also work well if done correctly!

Rock GardenVaries based on materialsAdds visual interest and dimension; easy maintenance
Dry River BedVaries based on size and materialsAdds natural element; great for drainage
Stepping Stones20 per stoneEasy to install; adds functional element
Retaining WallVaries based on size and materialsAdds definition to yard; great for sloped areas
Boulder PlacementVaries based on size and materialsAdds character and texture; great for large yards

Landscaping with rocks is an excellent way to create a rustic, natural look for your yard. By incorporating different rock features, you can add interest, texture, and even functionality to your space.

Whether you want to create a rock garden, a dry riverbed, or a retaining wall, there are plenty of options to choose from that will suit your style and budget.


Remember that a good lawn doesn’t just happen. It takes time, care and attention. But with some of these tips in mind, you’ll be able to keep your grass looking its best all year round.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you become a lawn care expert:

Planet Natural’s Lawn Care Tips – This comprehensive guide covers everything from soil preparation to disease and pest control.

Family Handyman’s Essential Things to Do to Your Lawn Now – Get the advice you need to help your lawn thrive this season.

Best Pick Reports’ 9 Tips on Maintaining the Perfect Lawn – Learn from the experts how to keep your lawn looking its best year-round.


How often should I mow my lawn?

Mowing frequency depends on the time of year and your grass type. As a general rule, you should mow your lawn once a week during the growing season and every two weeks during the dormant season.

When is the best time to water my lawn?

Water your lawn early in the morning, between 4 am and 10 am. This helps to prevent water loss to evaporation and ensures your grass has enough time to dry before nightfall.

How can I prevent weeds from growing in my lawn?

The easiest way to prevent weed growth in your lawn is to maintain a healthy and dense turf. Regular fertilization, proper watering, and mowing at the correct height can all help to prevent weeds from taking root.

How often should I fertilize my lawn?

The frequency and amount of fertilization depend on your grass type, climate, soil type, and other factors. In general, homeowners should aim to fertilize their lawns at least twice a year – once in the spring and again in the fall.

How can I tell if my lawn has a disease or pest infestation?

Look for signs of discolored or damaged grass, as well as unusual bug activity. If you’re unsure, consult with a lawn care expert or local nursery to help identify the issue and recommend appropriate treatment options.